Updated Review: Abhair clip ins extensions

So after having the hair for over a month I'm giving you guys a full review on the hair and some pros and cons. I started my journey (Research) on some clip ins last year. I wanted to initially get some bellami hair extensions but since I'm just starting out i decided to get a cheaper alternative to try out. I have had the extensions for over three months. Now let's get into detail...when i first got them i was not too sure they would work. The hair was so thin, lady's if your a beauty supply hair buyers like me then you know what I'm talking about it basically it looked like one bundle of once wefted hair. I decided not to put them in but ordered another set of 20 inches. If you have really thin hair i don't recommend you buy another i only did because of the thickness of my real hair. After i received those then i decided to try them and really loved the results. 

The hair blends very well with like texture,the hair is very good quality for the price, it comes true to length and it does not tangles.

the hair sheds a lot as soon as i got them and ran my fingers through i noticed strands of hair, it started to tangle and mat up, the hair was thin top to bottom, and the clips were not to secure to me on the track but it did hold a firm grip on my roots.

I did cut the ones i have in my hair below. 

P.s please feel free to ask me any questions i did not answer for you  guys. 

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